Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Music Yet Awesome Blog

Once upon a time there was a dude named Ulises who gambled a lot he even had a mansion. He would gamble a lot that he would win a lot of thing because of his good luck people were very angry about this because they thought that ulises cheated some how and just couldn't believe he was always winning. They were also angry because they wished they could be him and have all those wonderful things and even more. Although, one day, Ulises lost on a bet he did in Vegas. He lost his home, cars, money, and all the luxury he owned. Ulises was left in the street with little hope to get to the position he once was. He asked for change in the streets and wore a banner that said "Will work for food". He felt humiliated but yet managed too look for hope in this one person name Abe who helped him recover and made him more sophisticated and comprehensive about life and not take things for granted. But one day ulises saw that Abe was doing well in his life so decided too do him dirty. He murdered Abe and took all of his possessions and money, Ulises returned to gambling and bought another mansion. Ulises never learned his lesson and eventually one night at Vegas he was shot and he died a horrible death.