Friday, September 30, 2011


In photography people are trying to fine people who like try to travel around the world. maybe people might have good photography skills like editorial and taking pictures of people. They might also need to skills to proactive a problem both technician and also creative skills. there could be strong photographic lighting and com positional skills. they might also want to calm down under pressure and also excel and thrive in high volume in studio environment. There could also be jobs like: assistant and stylish. it could also be strong on set skills which means we need some muscle to lift up things. it might be also excellent oral and written communication. there could be bring stuff to set . Controlling operations of equipment's for systems. obtaining and seeing appropriate equipment's, facilities, and materials needed to do certain work. being aware of reactions and understanding how people will react after the picture. Monitoring/Assessing of yourself, other individuals, and organizations to make improvements or take corrective action. to frame the background so it could be more realistic how people are so they could look sexy or handsome that depends on them . they must also rearranged and also move stuff all around. they must keep there hand steady and also hold there position. People must come out with there own ideas about a topic or some topic. They could see details from the distance. You must your movements if you want to picture frame it but it takes alot of times just to do it because if you do it by mistake you need to start all over again.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Android HP Touch-pad has a hit the Touch Droid team was at Google system the tablet called it quits the post related to the Touch Droid.A small device got disband from a Web Site today. This morning two team Google Android and HP Touch pad there was strong evidence one of those teams were cribbing. The team left standing is Cyanogen Mod that took over the trusted members of Hp Touch Pad break up. The Touch Pad was very inexpensive vehicle running in the Google System. it cost $100 and $150 for a 16 GB or a 32 GB . Cyanogen team is very close to releasing a functional version Google Android 2.3.5 for the Touch Pad. The major component that is missing is WI-FI. Cyanogen plans to offer a dual boot up solution it means that we wont have to install Web-OS  to boot Android so you be able to get both worlds.I acted very surprise because now the Touch Pad cost less and we could buy it. I also couldn't believe one of the team members these morning cribbing the other teams ideas. But there must always be a team standing in this case is Cyanogen Mod now it took over the HP Touch Pad. It also is kind of the messed because we need  WI-FI in order to go To Facebook, YouTube and all the places. With WI-FI nobody would buy this Touch Pad. Lets hope what they say is true that were gonna be able to get both worlds which means that will control it were ever we go to.

Friday, September 2, 2011

the internet things

It would be very aw-some because i could use the internet anywhere i want. My belongings as the internet that allows me to go to the internet. I wouldnt be against it because i need the internet to go to Facebook i would so love that. So i would like it i would be able to hear music from YouTube and funny videos i would like all my stuff going to the internet. So it would be less complicated to ask my dad for his laptop and do my work instead i could see the internet in all my stuff. I would like my clothes to have internet because it could help anyway i want to go to. All my things would be precious to me i wont even let go off one single because its amazing and aw-some. So i wouldn't know what to do if i get something i wouldn't know how to let it go and let anyone else borrow my stuff at all. So i would say my things my stuff nobody could touch it because i would turn all crazy for it and get angry at anyone who touch my stuff. I would even hear music while walking or riding in the bus. But i would agree no matter what anyone else says. I imagine a world with everyone having technology and internet around them and nobody tells them nothing for what they have. But still i would like to have all the fun so i wouldn't care who has the technology and have that kind of stuff.