Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Microsoft Excel

What I learned about Microsoft Excel is that how to use the cell and how to write on it. When I saw Excel for the first time I thought it was useless because I didn't knew how to use it. I also didn't knew how people use it and why they use. What I like about Excel is that I could enter information of how much time I took or how to use it for math. The thing I dislike about Excel is that is so complicated just to do the whole math into a cell I really don't get how to use the parenthesis at all. I don't think we could use Excel in our life the only persons who use Excel is architects because they have to use the math just to do every building. Well I also think we could use Excel in our life's for computer class. I also want to learn how to add some folder into it and also do the math better. It's kind of difficult using different cell's also because I get confused with the enter key and the tab key that what makes it so difficult for me. But if people know how to use the Excel they might be experts on it.

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