Friday, May 25, 2012

First Time

The first time I went to Las Vegas and I was seeing it from far away it look so awesome. But then we got closer I saw the pyramid it looked so awesome with all the lights on pointing on the top. Then my family and me saw a water jumping up and down. Then we heard some people screaming because of the rides. We went had to park and we saw people on a rollar coaster making the wheel and we saw them screaming. When we went to the lobby it was pretty neat it had a lot of people all over the place. We pass by and we could've seen people at the casino and on the buffet it looked pretty awesome. We went to elevator it had so many floor's that. We went to our hotel room it looked awesome we could've seen the lights of the city glowing seeing people like if they were ants or something. The lights looked like stars all glowing on the floor. The television was pretty huge it looked awesome connect to the wall. What sucked on the hotel that the internet was so slow. I was seeing my cellphone man this sucks. I had a good experience in Vegas I wanted so badly to go walk the next day.

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